Tuesday, April 28, 2009

SRC update

  1. IMU Rugby

    We will be having our AGM at 1.00pm to 1.30pm at the Jumbo cafe on Tuesday (28th April 2009). This AGM is to decide the committee members and the events that we will have for this year.

    Positions available and the duties expected of them.

    President- Responsible for overall running of the club
    Vice-President- Competition/ Events
    Secretary- Minutes of meetings/ Secretarial Jobs/ Maintains e mail account
    Treasurer-Manages all monetary needs including funds and collections
    Director of Public Relations-Maintains and updates Facebook account and blog and helps with overall promotion of rugby and the club
    Director of Membership-In charge of maintaining members list, recruitment drives and keeping existing members
    Director of Training and Development- In charge of monitoring attendance for trainings, and monitors progress as well as updates everyone on training schedules
    Quartermaster-Selection, purchase, maintenance of all equipment and also sources for training fields

    All those who want to run for positions MUST be present for the AGM unless they inform me prior to the meeting with good reason.

    Tuesday training we will be joining the IMU Swimming Club to have a water rugby session. Most likely we will be going over to use the Savanna pool so everyone meet at the atrium at 4.30pm along with the Swimming Club members.



  2. Refund for Library Photocopy card
    We agreed to refund to the student the balances & deposit of their OCE photocopy card. Library have to inform student to pass the card to library by 16/5/09 (thru email & notices). Library then compile the list and pass to finance to process. The collection of the refund will be at CO's. Can we target to refund to student by 22 May 2009.

We will be clearing out the Lost and Found items found last year and earlier this year. On 28 April 2009 (Tuesday), a booth will be set at the Atrium for students to claim their lost items from 10.00am to 12.00pm. Items which are not claimed after that would be sold from 2.00pm to 4.00pm. So this would be the last chance for the students to redeem their missing items.
Thanks a lot dears.

Yours sincerely,
Zia Shah
Incoming President

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wellness Appraisal Module

Hi guys,

This is an announcement made on behalf of the Community Medicine Faculty lecturers.

Currently, ME109 batch would be undergoing a Wellness Appraisal Module in which would be a part of their summative for EOS 2. With regards to this, the Community Medicine Faculty is looking for senior students as volunteer facilitators to conduct this Module.


It would be done in 2 shifts.

First shift would be on 30th and 31st of March from 4-6pm.

Second shift would be on 1st and 3rd of April from 4-6pm.

A training session would be conducted prior to those days on the 27th March (Friday) from 4 to 6 pm.

What will we do?

We would be facilitators in which we would handle the following stations:

Blood pressure taking stations

Height and Weight station

Waist Hip Ratio station

3-minute step station

Curl test station

Flex Test station

We would be assisting the juniors in performing those assessments and collecting data (e.g taking BP).

We will be conducting training session for all the facilitators on 27th March (Friday) from 4 to 6 pm.. So no worries if you don’t know what are those stations meant to be.


The facilitator positions are open to anyone of senior batches who are interested. Especially for the BP taking stations as the seniors have better experience.

We would need at least 15 facilitators from every batch for each shift.

Certificates will be given for those who attend the training sessions and at least one of the shifts.

Please register your names to your batch reps ASAP, as due date would be on this Wednesday 25th March.

For more information, feel free to contact me at 017-5112308 or victorwong87@gmail.com.


